London Artist Andrew Gibson

Born in Queens, New York. I moved to North London as a boy and have lived in South London now for over thirty years. After going to art college, I was offered a place at The Slade School of Art, but taking the first job that I could to buy my own van seemed more important at the time. Since then I have worked as a driver, musician, art therapist and at night as a posterer, amongst other things. Through these and through the people I met on the way I came to understand that given the right conditions and time the energy thats in all things can shine out.

The posterer’s eye – view is one from the centre and one from the edge at the same time; The centre of the city. On the edge of day and night, where the neon and the natural co-exist. The paintings are internally lit, and done on things I find around the city… Old street furniture; lamps, signs, adverts etc. Things that have previously been part of the life they now represent.

Japanese woodcuts, street stencils, posters. Edward Hopper Vincent’s Night Cafe and Dawn Seed Sower, calligraphy, advertising, Julien Breton, Whistler, music, London… New York..?

All in the work somewhere.

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